Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Faith & Action~

Hello Fellow Bloggers~

It seems that just as life seems to calm down a little there is always something that comes along to heighten a fear(s) that had been lurking all along. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Sometimes I get discouraged because I want all lingering fears and the insecurity and doubts that go with them to disappear entirely, but that isn't the case, is it? We can push them aside, but then that bump in the road shows itself, and we are forced to reexamine them all over again. I think we can be hard on ourselves thinking that with faith we should completely be rid of our fears and try too hard to free ourselves. Maybe I'm wrong, but with the world the way it is today, I just don't see that it's entirely possible. We are sinners living in a sinful world with Satan lurking. Fear isn't always a bad thing. It should remind us that this world isn't about us.

That's exactly where our faith comes into play the most. We should confess, hand over our fears (as much as we can) to the Lord, realizing we are human and will still have all of these things that scare us, even with a deep faith. We can then rise above to do His will, and that's what makes overcoming struggles so encouraging, knowing that in our sinful bodies we can still enjoy our lives and accomplish the plan that God gives each of us, fears, sins & all!

So does something scare you? Admit the fear and ask God to help you push past it. I'm finding that the older I get, more and more frightens me, but I'm trying to remind myself that it's God who will comfort me and give me the peace I need to move forward. Am I always successful? Nope. I still sit back when I should act, but I am confident that God will use and mold me, no matter what. God is good!

Enjoy the Journey!


Diane Viere said...

Well, Lisa, my journey is always more joyful when I happen upon your blog....and you've posted! Hey! How are you doing?

Yes, turning things over to God....including our fears...is essential. However, lest you think I'm good at this..I must admit, while I turn them over...I take them back! What's up with that!!!!!

I am always trying to micro-manage the very circumstances that I profess to surrender. Guess I'm not quite there yet.

My mantra last week over one matter...was simple: I have no control over this. Another one that runs through my mind......it is what it is. These help to remind me that I am not in control over every detail that comes my way. It sounds simple...but it is incredibly hard to do.

Reading your post, reading God's Word and plenty of self-talk....helps though!

Thanks for your pearls of wisdom this morning....I will be remembering them throughout the day as I try to navigate through a very busy week of choosing what is mine to worry about and what is not!!!!


Lisa said...

Hi, Diane!

Always nice to hear from you and glad my "rambling" helps! You know I write about things that I need reminders of as well!

I'm so glad that I'm not alone in trying to turn over my "issues" to God. You are so right...it is so hard to do!

The hardest thing is trying not to be too hard on ourselves about having fear in the first place. But it is a big part of faith to move past it and enjoy life and do God's will for our lives.

I'll be able to see you real soon!

Take care!

C. H. Green said...

Glad I stopped in. Both blog and comments were very helpful to me today. Thanks girls!

Lisa said...

Hi Diane,
So nice to hear from you! I know I've been out of blogger world for a while. I plan to keep up better with my blogger friends!

I love that we can relate with one another's posts so wonderfully...it is a blessing.

Sometimes when I struggle, it feels as if I'm the only one stressing over things that I cannot control or change, so it is very reassuring to know that I am not alone with my fears.

You said the challenge so precisely: choosing what is mine to worry and what is not...

That's the frustrating part. Sometimes when I'm not walking as closely with the Lord as I should be, that challenge becomes more and more difficult. What should be a simple thing turns into anxiety and struggle.

I know what I have to do. Now I need to follow through and do it. Then the Spirit will speak to me in a way that I can understand. I'd love to say this is always an overnight process, but as you know, it isn't.

Thanks again for spending time with me.