Friday, August 01, 2008

Back on track-

Hello fellow bloggers...sounds better than Dear Diary, right?

I'm back on track with health issues actually much faster than I had expected, which I am very thankful for. It was only a few months, but it felt like years.

My family and I have been enjoying the outdoors and the nice weather in July, especially with 10 days up north at our place at the lake! We are addicted to our trailer and all of what a small lakeshore community offers. It has been a time of fun, peace and relaxation.

The only area that I feel I need to get back up to speed is my writing projects, which had been put on the back burner. I feel my novel calling me, and something about approaching Fall always has me itching to complete projects. I was a little discouraged at my lack of progress on revising my novel, but I think I'm ready to start tackling that.

I know it is a lack of motivation. I have plenty of excuses why I haven't been writing, but does it matter? If I really wanted to do it, I would! That's the bottom line.

Anyone else out there struggling with this?

In any case, I feel much better and enjoying life again and perfect timing for the summer and fall!

Well, I've rambled enough!