Sunday, September 25, 2005

Lisa's Rambling

You might be a writer if you write even though no one wants to read your writing projects.

You might be a writer if you write even though you know that no one else will understand your story.

You might be a writer if your soul aches when you don't put pen to paper, words to a page.

You might be a writer if you continue to write all hours of the day and night on the same draft even though you received the tenth rejections letter in the mail that day.

On the other hand, you might be a writer if you cry and pout in frustration when no one wants to read your stories.

You might be a writer if you get frustrated enough not to write anything for a month.

You might be a writer if you don't miss writing one bit during those thirty days.

You might be a writer if you hit the delete key erasing many months of hard work on a story you received the tenth rejection on that day.

Any more to add?? Feel free to add your own!!


Dave said...

You might be writer if you edit the cereal box.

RosieBoo said...

You might be a writer if you enjoy reading your work over and over and say, "Man, that's good!" Maybe a narcisstic writer :)

Lisa said...

Hi Rosieboo,
Not my writing, ha ha.

Add more when you get time and thanks for stopping by!

Dave said...

Hey Rosie...

That exact quote is in my book I am working on... and oddly enough it is a writer who says it. :)

Dana said...

Hey Lisa! good post! Can't think of any new ones though.

Lisa said...

porchwise, oh those are good ones! I can relate!!
Thanks for stopping by-stop by any time!