Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I can't believe I haven't posted anything in over a month! This fall has been flying by...but still...what the heck?

What have I been up to? Well, for one thing, I haven't felt well. Most of you know that I'm usually more quiet when something's up. I found out that I have two ovarian cysts that are bleeding, so they are painful. Good news is that they should go away on their own...I've had one before. They usually aren't this painful, but these babies I'm anxious for them to go away ;)

I have been writing as much as I can but with my laptap still dead and with my kids hogging the home computer, it has been difficult to get much done. That's my excuse anyway. I had all four submissions rejected for my "Big Girl" short story. I'm going to work on getting it out to a few others to try and find a home. I am still revising my novel from hell and getting support from the Notebored writing group. There just isn't enough time in the day to fix the glaring errors with it, so I take it step-by-step and find the experience very rewarding (even though at times it is extremely frustrating)--makes perfect sense, right?

I've also been fighting a little thing called depression. Any of you know about that? I've fought it off and on over the years, so I know the symptoms--it usually takes a while before I do something because...well, we all think we should just snap out of it like a bad mood--not like that, unfortunately. I went to my doctor for help, and I'm going to take just a low dose of an antidepressant that I was on years back.

I've also been busy with Cody's cross country practices and meets. I so enjoy them! My hubbie & I were CC runners in HS, so we have a lot of fun supporting him. Thankfully, my hubbie has been home on the weekends and that has been wonderful, but this summer/fall was tougher than I thought it would be without him during the week.

Well, I will try to be more faithful to my blogger buddies. Please be patient with me!

Take care and God Bless!!


Diane Viere said...


Welcome back! While I feel the joy of your return, I am so sorry for the physical ailments you are experiencing.

Over the past days, I have discovered a blog that you may find interesting:

She has written with some authority about depression. I pray you will find comfort and perhaps even a helpful thought as you visit this site.

It seems we are both going through trials at this moment. Thank you for holding us up in prayer...I will do the same for you.

I am so happy to hear from you! I've missed you!


Lisa said...

Hi Diane,
I'll check that blog out...thankfully my depression isn't too bad...just enough to steal some of my joy...that's why I decided to get some help.

As stated on your blog, I'm thinking of you and yours thru your difficult time, also.

The other little things going on in my life are minor, thankfully...gotta get the mind in the right place...I'm working on it!

Pls keep in touch and thanks for stopping by!

Take care!

Dave said...

I know exactly how you feel with that depression thing. I have the same problem. It really sucks the life out of you, and makes things you like to do feel like drudgery. I hate it.

Keep trying with your short story, and don't be afraid to revise.

On your book, maybe you can do what I do... I print of a chapter or so, and do my editing on the printed copy and later type in all those edits.

This has been very productivce for me, because I can get a lot of editing done on my lunch breaks.

Good luck.