Monday, July 10, 2006


I'm baaaaaccccckkkkk!!!!!

I've been on vacation for the past week, and it was fantastic. I went kayaking for the first time--we kayaked for three hours on Hamlin Lake. We went down trails that few choose to go down. Shallow trails with high weeds and plenty of bugs, snakes and of course a beautiful blue sky and water. We had to get out five times, and port (portages seasoned kayak'ers call them,) drag the boat and then get back in another side. Those who kayak might be able to appreciate the challenge of this. It aint easy. Challenging. Will I fall in this time, I wondered. I spent time with close family and cousins...sitting around campfires, watching thunderstorms roll by...sprawling out in the sun on the beach and of course, reading my books purchased at the local used bookstore, and so much more.

But people are surprised when I tell them that I'm usually ready to get back to the routine--to my life, my work, my writing. I like my job (most times) when I have the right frame of mind, thus the importance of rest & relaxation. Sometimes I forget to take that daily break--to focus on the important things in life--devotions, praising God, spending time with family. Once priorities are in proper order, life is much more enjoyable, with or without a get away from it all vacation. A vacation for me can simply be time with God on my deck, listening to the birds as I complete a devotion, or even spending time with family--playing cribbage with my son.

But let's face it...there's nothing like that time away from everything...when our minds are renewed...refreshed...almost erased of worry. If we don't take time to wipe the slate clean, how can we get down to what's really important? Just like God wipes are slate clean, we too must forgive ourselves and let the past go, let the worries go, and just enjoy the journey that we must follow.

Isn't it interesting how it all ties together? Peace, rest, relaxation, forgiveness and yes, work. We can work and have all of these things. Vacations away remind us of what that peace feels like, but if the only time that I felt peace was one week a year, I would go insane. My joy is in the Lord and peace comes from Him--not the lake or a cottage or RV.

I thank God that he allows us our vacations to remind us what his peace can feel like year round even when we know that we have hard work ahead of us as we do God's will.


Diane Viere said...

Welcome back! Vacation is such a heart warming word....I hope you are still feeling some refreshment after stepping back into reality!

Looking forward to hearing from you.....did the muse strike at all while you were away? Hope you had your pen and pad nearby!

Talk soon.


Lisa said...

Hi Diane!

I visited your blog when I got back--hopefully my comment showed up.

I read, but spent little time on the computer and only worked on writing exercises while I was gone. I wanted to refresh my mind...
Over the past few months, I've been revising my novel with the help of a writing group, and that has been very time consuming. There are challenges in the workshop that also take time. It has been a big learning experience. Tough stuff.

I am also working on submitting my children's short story to kid's magazines as I've had it critiqued enough. I made other changes as well, hoping I didn't take out anything important. I realized that many kid's magazines don't like talking animals etc and my firefly talked, by blinking, to my MC, so I decided to revise it. In any case, I'm hoping someone will be interested--one day. Highlights has rejected it. I've revised quite a bit since then. I've had critters suggest that I submit to agents for a children's book, but that is like trying to find that old needle in the haystack. I think I'd have better changes with a magazine. (I hope.)

Anyhoo...that's what I've been up to. I needed my muse quiet for a week anyway ;)

Thanks for stopping by!

C. H. Green said...

I'm glad you're back. But now I'm leaving for vacation. The kayaking sounded like great fun.