Monday, February 20, 2006

January Contest Winner! February Contest!

Fellow bloggers-
Contest updates:

Dave has graciously accepted the Nora Roberts book so I will be sending that out to him shortly!! Congrats Dave!

February contest is still up for grabs! I'll find a couple of books for the winner to choose from and post real soon.

Diane, do you have a blog yet?? You'd be the winner for February if you get a blog and link to mine! Just let me know!! You'd be an awesome "blogger!" :)

Have a great day!!


Diane Viere said...


YES!!!! I have ventured out of my middle-aged comfort zone...and started a blog of my own. Thank you for the inspiration...and motivation!

You can view it at While working online with another mom whose daughter is struggling with addiction, the thought came to me...that a blog could serve such a useful purpose for so many parents who are seeking support while "standing in the gap" for their loved ones. It is my desire to offer understanding, support, hope, and partner with parents as we prayer for our prodigals. I facilitate a small group at our church of mom's...this is exactly what we do on Friday mornings. Suffice it to say....your February contest (and my desire to win it!) jumpstarted a more global outreach.

If you know of anyone who is seeking support through their child's struggle with addiction--please let them know--I'd love for them to stop by at Prayingforaprodigal. The wait is hard....but when you talk with others who understand and have experienced your journey....we find comfort.

I won't go on and on...however, I have tapped into a passion the temptation is nearly too much! My short answer to your question posted--Yes! I have a blog. I will continue to stop in at your blog --as I value the motivation and inspiration I find here! :) Diane

Lisa said...

I just visited your blog-hey, that looks familiar :)

Awesome! Now, all you need to do is link to my blog or mention my blog on yours, and you'll win a book for being the first newbie to my blog!

I think your blog idea is an excellent one! There are so many people struggling with addiction-it is a crazy world.

You sound like the perfect moderator for this!

Keep in touch!

Diane Viere said...

Well then! I'll have to do some research on HOW to link your blog to mine. Hmmmm?????

I'm suppose to be packing for an early morning flight to maybe I'll do the hard work...before I begin the fun-stuff!

:) Diane

Lisa said...

In the link section on the right sideof your blog, there is "edit me" Click on that. You can look at that example-that's what I did ;) I don't understand all of this stuff either.

Or just mention my blog -that's good enough!! ;)

Have a good time! I'm stuck in Michigan for the long haul. It's cold here!

Take care.