Wednesday, February 08, 2006

School Projects-

On the lighter side today folks, I thought I'd share with you my experience with my son's school project last night.

I helped him pick out a recipe from Venezuela. It was a corn cake of sorts. My mom brought over her trusty blender, (no, I don't own one ;) My son placed all of the ingredients including creamed corn, sugar, a touch of flour, eggs etc.-sound good? Not really. Oh and don't forget vanilla to taste...whatever that means.

Anyway, he placed the ingredients in the blender. I pushed the blend button and mixed the concoction into a yellow mess. I poured the "batter" :) into the pan and placed in the over at 350 degrees. We kept an eye on it, surely we did...we watched it bubble and wave up and down, not a pretty sight. We didn't think it would ever take shape enough to cut into little pieces. After an hour of baking, it was still gooey on the inside and outside. We let it cool for a couple of hours and were able to cut into little pieces, but it was still more like a souffle type consistency. I thought about doing another batch. Nah...this is what it's supposed to be like, so be it. The idea is to show different dishes, well, he will show his fellow classmates this for sure. ;)

So you're probably wondering, if it was any good. And you wasn't too bad! It was like a bread pudding or something-at least it had a cup of sugar in it-ha!

Gee, what will I get to do tonite?? :)

Enjoy the journey!

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