Saturday, February 04, 2006

Hormone Balance-

This post is especially for you ladies out there (and for you guys with ladies out there).

I found a very informative book called, "Hormone Balance. A Woman's Guide to Restoring Health and Vitality," by Carolyn Dean, MD., N.D.

I have been researching the effects that sugar and various chemicals/toxins have on our bodies. This book covers these issues and much more regarding hormone balance. This book explains what ideal hormone balance looks like, how other factors contribute to imbalance and how to correct that imbalance whether by diet, exercise, fixing particular hormone imbalances etc.

I highly recommend this book for anyone wanting more information on how to help symptoms caused by PMS (including breast tenderness, abnormal periods etc.), perimenopause/menopause/postmenopause, bone loss, yeast infections, and other misc. issues. I'm really not doing this book justice by just listing these things because it covers so many different female health concerns.

If anyone wants a search of this book on a particular topic, feel free to post here or email me. Or run out and get your own book. It is $15 at Barnes & Noble and very well worth it. I'd put on as an option for the contest, but I'm keeping this one with my reference books.

It's really a book that every woman should read at some point because it explains so many different areas relating specifically to women. You won't be disappointed.

Tip for the day: Don't forget to grab a bottle of water and laugh, laugh, laugh!


C. H. Green said...

Sounds interesting. I'm starting a home based business promoting toxin free products for the home. If interested click on the banner on my blog.

C. H. Green said...

Sounds interesting. I'm starting a home based business promoting toxin free products for the home. If interested click on the banner on my blog.