Monday, June 20, 2005

Experiencing Health Problems?

Experiencing Health Issues?
I'll tell ya, trying to eat healthy is hard! But, it does make a big difference! After spending a great deal of time cutting out sugar, eating more nutritiously and drinking more water, I was able to change my life! Depression, PMS, migraines, rashes, swollen joints, heart issues (arrythmias etc) are almost all a thing of the past. When I don't eat as I should, I start to get some of these symptoms back but on a much smaller scale so it encourages me to eat better-not perfect-better. We are all so hard on ourselves-if you eat a brownie-GOOD FOR YOU. But the next thing you grab had better be a bottle of spring water. If you want that cup of coffee, fine...drink more water. Hey, I like spaghetti and those high carbs just like everyone else and yes, I still eat it but in smaller quantities and I increase eating more of those interesting greens other vegies. It's a daily struggle but it's a battle that can eventually be won.
There are many health stores out there to help with body detoxes as well. These help to rid the body of excess toxins created by too much yeast etc. This is a great way to feel better!! If you want additional info, please email me!! I will be happy to cover more details on the subject.

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