Thursday, June 02, 2005

Health Concerns-Unregulated Perfume Industry-

I am getting more serious about writing about the concerns I have over the FDA's inability to see the seriousness of letting the perfume industry go for the most part unregulated. Yes, they do regulate the industry but on a very small scale.

I've always been sensitive to chemicals/perfumes, suffering from migraines as a teenager but stayed away from perfumes because even at an early age, my body rebelled from strong scents. After working in a toxic environment, I experienced symptoms of MCS, (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities). I started researching the causes on the Internet and various health stores. I changed to unscented products, and many of my health issues (such as migraines, rashes and infections) were greatly reduced or alleviated altogether. I also needed to make changes in my diet to deal with many allergies as I have stated in a past blog, but that was only a part of my heatlth success story.

Back to the perfume industry, why aren't we demanding safer products? Why isn't there more exposure on the toxins in our environment? I just don't understand it. Am I missing something?

For more information on this subject, check out If you're concerned about your health and that of your family's health, you'll find this most interesting.

More on the subject to follow at a later time.

Please share your health story!

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